
Code with Spring Security OAuth2

Cui Cui Follow Sep 04, 2021 · 2 mins read
Code with Spring Security OAuth2
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The name of feature image is Peacock Girl, and Story of the painter

IETF OAuth specs

These are specs about OAuth from IETF. There is a new draft about OAuth 2.1 already.

OAuth framework

This is a very handy website, trying to gather all the resources regarding of OAuth. It’s definitely worth checking it out.

Spring Security - OAuth support

Before I found below page, I was so struggling figure out what to use.

There is an old OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 support from Spring Security SubProject, and it’s deprecated now. And a new OAuth support living in Spring Security main project rather than a sub.

Look careful at the group and artifact id, don’t get confused when you search online for any supporting:

  • Old one -> org.springframework.security.oauth: spring-security-oauth2
  • New one -> org.springframework.security: spring-security-oauth2-core

1. Deprecated spring-security-oauth project

2. Interim transition OAuth2 Boot project, using deprecated spring-security-oauth2

3. New Spring Security spring-security-oauth2-*

3.1 spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server

3.2 spring-security-oauth2-client

3.3 spring-security-oauth2-resource-server

Spring Boot spring-boot-starter-security

Spring Cloud spring-cloud-security


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Written by Cui Follow
Hi, I am Z, the coder for cuizhanming.com!