Cui,Zhanming 崔展铭

A programmer, always like reboot.

1/2018 - Current Akamai (Ex. Asavie) Technologies, Dublin, Ireland

An Irish Telecoms tech company, providing secure networking for mobile and IoT devices.

12/2012 - 1/2018 Synchronoss Technologies, Dublin, Ireland

An American Telecoms tech company, doing Mobile Cloud, Messaging, Digital Transformation solution.

5/2012 - 8/2012 LERO, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

An Irish Software Engineering Research Centre.

5/2011 - 8/2011 DigiSoft.TV, Cork, Ireland

An Irish tech company from Cork, doing Set-Top-Box media systems.

1/2010 - 12/2010 宇时信息 YouthSoft, Beijing, China

A tech company develops and supplies information systems for vary central and local governments bureau.

3/2008 - 12/2009 雅信致知 Yatio, Beijing, China

A startup tech company, founded by a Tsinghua PhD who talked a lot of Video service and Cloud Computing back the day already.

7/2007 - 2/2008 达内科技 Tarena Technologies, Beijing, China

7/2006 - 6/2007 成都市政 Chengdu Municipal Engineering Group, Chengdu, China


9/2011 - 8/2012 University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

1/2011 - 5/2011 Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland

9/2002 - 6/2006 Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an, China

9/1999 - 6/2002 Qixia High School, Yantai, China

9/1995 - 6/1999 Songshan Secondary School, Yantai, China


2006 Provincial Outstanding Graduates, Sichuan Province, China

2006 Outstanding Graduates, Sichuan Agricultural University, China

2003, 2004, 2005 Merit Student, Sichuan Agricultural University, China


2003 National Scholarship, China

2004 Provincial Scholarship, Sichuan Province, China

2003, 2004 The First Prize School Scholarship, Sichuan Agricultural University

2005, 2006 The Special Prize School Scholarship, Sichuan Agricultural University