
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Certification - 3 Automation

Cui Cui Follow May 17, 2023 · 14 mins read
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Certification - 3 Automation
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“I paint with a brayer and press. A color lover with monochrome moods”. -Kathleen DeMeo

A. [Course] Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation

B. [Quest] Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud

B.1. Configuring IAM Permissions with gcloud

B.2. Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine

- Create Compute Engine instances
- Create instance templates from source instances
- Create managed instance groups
- Create and test managed instance group health checks
- Create HTTP(S) Load Balancers
- Create load balancer health checks
- Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for Caching

- instance script ``
    # Install logging monitor. The monitor will automatically pick up logs sent to
    # syslog.
    curl -s "" | bash
    service google-fluentd restart &
    # Install dependencies from apt
    apt-get update
    apt-get install -yq ca-certificates git build-essential supervisor psmisc
    # Install nodejs
    mkdir /opt/nodejs
    curl | tar xvzf - -C /opt/nodejs --strip-components=1
    ln -s /opt/nodejs/bin/node /usr/bin/node
    ln -s /opt/nodejs/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
    # Get the application source code from the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
    mkdir /fancy-store
    gsutil -m cp -r gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/monolith-to-microservices/microservices/* /fancy-store/
    # Install app dependencies.
    cd /fancy-store/
    npm install
    # Create a nodeapp user. The application will run as this user.
    useradd -m -d /home/nodeapp nodeapp
    chown -R nodeapp:nodeapp /opt/app
    # Configure supervisor to run the node app.
    cat >/etc/supervisor/conf.d/node-app.conf << EOF
    command=npm start
    supervisorctl reread
    supervisorctl update

- Provisioning the architecture
    # Enable Compute Engine APIs
    gcloud services enable

    # Create Cloud Storage bucket
    gsutil mb gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID

    # Clone git repo to the Cloud Shell
    git clone
    # build the project local
    cd ~/monolith-to-microservices
    # NodeJS version
    nvm install --lts
    # Start the web server
    cd microservices
    npm start

    # Create Compute Engine instances startup script, on Cloud Shell local 
    # Copy the script to Cloud Storage bucket
    gsutil cp ~/monolith-to-microservices/ gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID
    # Copy the code to Cloud Storage bucket
    cd ~
    rm -rf monolith-to-microservices/*/node_modules
    gsutil -m cp -r monolith-to-microservices gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/

    # Deploy the backend instance
    gcloud compute instances create backend \
    --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
    --tags=backend \
    # instance IPs
    gcloud compute instances list
    # Config frontend communicating with backend by IPs, in `.env` file in frontend project
    # Rebuild frontend project
    cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/react-app
    npm install && npm run-script build
    # Copy the code to Cloud Storage bucket
    cd ~
    rm -rf monolith-to-microservices/*/node_modules
    gsutil -m cp -r monolith-to-microservices gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/
    # Deploy frontend instance
    gcloud compute instances create frontend \
    --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
    --tags=frontend \

    # Configure the network
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-fe \
    --allow tcp:8080 \

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-be \
    --allow tcp:8081-8082 \

    gcloud compute instances list
    watch -n 2 curl http://[FRONTEND_ADDRESS]:8080

    # Create instance template, to all managed instance group to create new instance automatically
    gcloud compute instances stop frontend
    gcloud compute instances stop backend
    gcloud compute instance-templates create fancy-fe --source-instance=frontend
    gcloud compute instance-templates create fancy-be --source-instance=backend

    gcloud compute instance-templates list
    gcloud compute instances delete backend

    # Create managed instance groups, to allow application to scale
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed create fancy-fe-mig \
    --base-instance-name fancy-fe \
    --size 2 \
    --template fancy-fe
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed create fancy-be-mig \
    --base-instance-name fancy-be \
    --size 2 \
    --template fancy-be

    # Create named port, for managed instance group to expose the service to all instances internally
    gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports fancy-fe-mig \
    --named-ports frontend:8080

    gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports fancy-be-mig \
    --named-ports orders:8081,products:8082

    # Create health check over app, for autohealing. 
    gcloud compute health-checks create http fancy-fe-hc \
    --port 8080 \
    --check-interval 30s \
    --healthy-threshold 1 \
    --timeout 10s \
    --unhealthy-threshold 3

    gcloud compute health-checks create http fancy-be-hc \
    --port 8081 \
    --request-path=/api/orders \
    --check-interval 30s \
    --healthy-threshold 1 \
    --timeout 10s \
    --unhealthy-threshold 3

    # Configure firewall rule for health check
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-health-check \
    --allow tcp:8080-8081 \
    --source-ranges, \
    --network default

    # Configure MIG with health check
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed update fancy-fe-mig \
    --health-check fancy-fe-hc \
    --initial-delay 300

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed update fancy-be-mig \
    --health-check fancy-be-hc \
    --initial-delay 300

    # Create healthcheck for LB to forward capable requests
    gcloud compute http-health-checks create fancy-fe-frontend-hc --request-path / --port 8080
    gcloud compute http-health-checks create fancy-be-orders-hc --request-path /api/orders --port 8081
    gcloud compute http-health-checks create fancy-be-products-hc --request-path /api/products --port 8082

    # Create LB backend services with healthcheck and named port
    gcloud compute backend-services create fancy-fe-frontend \
    --http-health-checks fancy-fe-frontend-hc \
    --port-name frontend \
    gcloud compute backend-services create fancy-be-orders \
    --http-health-checks fancy-be-orders-hc \
    --port-name orders \
    gcloud compute backend-services create fancy-be-products \
    --http-health-checks fancy-be-products-hc \
    --port-name products \

    # Add LB backend services, pairing MIG
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend fancy-fe-frontend \
    --instance-group fancy-fe-mig \
    --instance-group-zone us-central1-f \
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend fancy-be-orders \
    --instance-group fancy-be-mig \
    --instance-group-zone us-central1-f \
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend fancy-be-products \
    --instance-group fancy-be-mig \
    --instance-group-zone us-central1-f \

    # Add URL map, for directing requests to proper backend service
    gcloud compute url-maps create fancy-map --default-service fancy-fe-frontend
    gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher fancy-map \
    --default-service fancy-fe-frontend \
    --path-matcher-name orders \
    --path-rules "/api/orders=fancy-be-orders,/api/products=fancy-be-products"

    # Create HTTP proxy, ties to the URL map
    gcloud compute target-http-proxies create fancy-proxy --url-map fancy-map
    # Create global forwarding rules ties a public IP and port to HTTP proxy
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create fancy-http-rule --global --target-http-proxy fancy-proxy --ports 80
    # public IP of HTTP proxy
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules list --global

    # Update frontend project code, `.evn` file
    # rebuild the project locally on Cloud Shell
    cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/react-app
    npm install && npm run-script build
    # update Cloud Storage bucket
    cd ~
    rm -rf monolith-to-microservices/*/node_modules
    gsutil -m cp -r monolith-to-microservices gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/

    # Rolling update, by restarting the instances. (Since startup script will pull the code again)
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action replace fancy-fe-mig --max-unavailable 100%

    watch -n 2 gcloud compute instance-groups list-instances fancy-fe-mig
    watch -n 2 gcloud compute backend-services get-health fancy-fe-frontend --global

    # Scaling compute engine, setting autoscaling policy
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling \
    fancy-fe-mig \
    --max-num-replicas 2 \
    --target-load-balancing-utilization 0.60

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling \
    fancy-be-mig \
    --max-num-replicas 2 \
    --target-load-balancing-utilization 0.60

    # Enable CDN, the cache in Google Front End (GFE)
    gcloud compute backend-services update fancy-fe-frontend \
    --enable-cdn --global

- update instance template
    # Update a running instance first
    gcloud compute instances set-machine-type frontend --machine-type custom-4-3840
    # Create a new template from the updated instance
    gcloud compute instance-templates create fancy-fe-new \
    --source-instance=frontend \
    # Roll out new template to instance group
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action start-update fancy-fe-mig \
    --version template=fancy-fe-new
    # Check the VM machine type
    watch -n 2 gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances fancy-fe-mig
    gcloud compute instances describe [VM_NAME] | grep machineType

- update project code
    # switch another index file
    cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/react-app/src/pages/Home
    mv index.js
    # build it
    cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/react-app
    npm install && npm run-script build
    # re-push to Cloud Storage bucket
    cd ~
    rm -rf monolith-to-microservices/*/node_modules
    gsutil -m cp -r monolith-to-microservices gs://fancy-store-$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/
    # rolling the update to MIG
    gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action replace fancy-fe-mig \
    # Check
    watch -n 2 gcloud compute instance-groups list-instances fancy-fe-mig
    watch -n 2 gcloud compute backend-services get-health fancy-fe-frontend --global

- simulate failure
    # Get an instance name
    gcloud compute instance-groups list-instances fancy-fe-mig
    # ssh in the instance
    gcloud compute ssh [INSTANCE_NAME]
    # stop the app
    sudo supervisorctl stop nodeapp; sudo killall node
    # Check, if another instance up running
    watch -n 2 gcloud compute operations list --filter='*'

B.3. Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes

B.4. Networking 101

- Projects > Networks > Subnetworks
- Firewall rules: Ingress vs Egress
- Routes: automatically created by Google Cloud. 

- Custom network
    # Create custom network
    gcloud compute networks create taw-custom-network --subnet-mode custom

    # Create subnetwork
    gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-us-central \
        --network taw-custom-network \
        --region us-central1 \
    gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-europe-west \
        --network taw-custom-network \
        --region europe-west1 \
    gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-asia-east \
        --network taw-custom-network \
        --region asia-east1 \
    # Check created subnetworks
    gcloud compute networks subnets list --network taw-custom-network

    # Add Firewall rules to allow Ingress access
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "nw101-allow-http" \
        --allow tcp:80 --network "taw-custom-network" \
        --source-ranges \
        --target-tags "http"
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "nw101-allow-icmp" \
        --allow icmp --network "taw-custom-network" \
        --source-ranges \
        --target-tags "rules"
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "nw101-allow-internal" \
        --allow tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp --network "taw-custom-network" \
        --source-ranges "","",""
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "nw101-allow-ssh" \
        --allow tcp:22 --network "taw-custom-network" \
        --source-ranges \
        --target-tags "ssh"
    gcloud compute firewall-rules create "nw101-allow-rdp" \
        --allow tcp:3389 --network "taw-custom-network"

    # Create VM instances in each subnet
    gcloud compute instances create us-test-01 \
        --subnet subnet-us-central \
        --zone us-central1-a \
        --tags ssh,http,rules
    gcloud compute instances create europe-test-01 \
        --subnet subnet-europe-west \
        --zone europe-west1-b \
        --tags ssh,http,rules
    gcloud compute instances create asia-test-01 \
        --subnet subnet-asia-east \
        --zone asia-east1-a \
        --tags ssh,http,rules

    # Check connect from your VMs
    ssh us-test-01
    ping -c 3 <europe-test-01-external-ip-address>
    ping -c 3 <asia-test-01-external-ip-address>

    # Check latency 
    ssh us-test-01
    ping -c 3 europe-test-01.europe-west1-b

    # Trace networking
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install traceroute mtr tcpdump iperf whois host dnsutils siege
    traceroute -m 255

    # Performance
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install traceroute mtr tcpdump iperf whois host dnsutils siege
    ssh us-test-01
    iperf -s #run in server mode
    ssh europe-test-01
    iperf -c #run in client mode, connection to eu1-vm

    # from us-test-01
    iperf -c europe-test-01.europe-west1-b -u -b 2G #iperf client side - send 2 Gbits/s
    # from us-test-02
    iperf -c -P 20


B.5. Using BigQuery and Cloud Logging to Analyze BigQuery Usage

Cloud Logging allows you to store, search, analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events from the Google Cloud including BigQuery.

Any operations on BigQuery will be logged, and Cloud Logging can expore them, where you can create a sink which will send these interested logs to the Sink service and from there to do further things.

   # BigQuery 
    bq query --location=us --use_legacy_sql=false --use_cache=false \
    'select month, avg(mean_temp) as avgtemp from `qwiklabs-resources.qlweather_geo.gsod` where station_number = 947680 and year = 2010 group by month order by month'
    bq query --location=us --use_legacy_sql=false --use_cache=false \
    'select month, avg(mean_temp) as avgtemp from `qwiklabs-resources.qlweather_geo.gsod` where station_number = 947680 and year = 2010 group by month order by month'
    bq query --location=us --use_legacy_sql=false --use_cache=false \
    'select CONCAT(departure_airport, "-", arrival_airport) as route, count(*) as numberflights from `bigquery-samples.airline_ontime_data.airline_id_codes` ac, `` fl where ac.code = fl.airline_code and regexp_contains(ac.airline ,  r"Alaska") group by 1 order by 2 desc LIMIT 10'

B.6. Migrate to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL using Database Migration Service

Database Migration Service provides options for one-time and continuous jobs to migrate data to Cloud SQL using different connectivity options, including IP allowlists, VPC peering, and reverse SSH tunnels (see documentation on connectivity options at

In this lab, you migrate a stand-alone PostgreSQL database (running on a virtual machine) to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL using a continuous Database Migration Service job and VPC peering for connectivity.

Migrating a database via Database Migration Service requires some preparation of the source database, including creating a dedicated user with replication rights, adding the pglogical database extension to the source database and granting rights to the schemata and tables in the database to be migrated, as well as the postgres database, to that user.

After you create and run the migration job, you confirm that an initial copy of your database has been successfully migrated to your Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance. You also explore how continuous migration jobs apply data updates from your source database to your Cloud SQL instance. To conclude the migration job, you promote the Cloud SQL instance to be a stand-alone database for reading and writing data.

- Prepare the source database for migration.

    # Enable required Cloud apis

    # Installing and configuring the pglogical database extension.
    sudo apt install postgresql-13-pglogical

    # Configuring the stand-alone PostgreSQL database to allow access from Cloud Shell and Cloud SQL.
    sudo su - postgres -c "gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp918/pg_hba_append.conf ."
    sudo su - postgres -c "gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp918/postgresql_append.conf ."
    sudo su - postgres -c "cat pg_hba_append.conf >> /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf"
    sudo su - postgres -c "cat postgresql_append.conf >> /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf"
    sudo systemctl restart postgresql@13-main

    # Adding the pglogical database extension to the postgres, orders and gmemegen_db databases on the stand-alone server.
    sudo su - postgres
    \c postgres;
    CREATE EXTENSION pglogical;
    \c orders;
    CREATE EXTENSION pglogical;
    \c gmemegen_db;
    CREATE EXTENSION pglogical;

    # Creating a migration_admin user (with Replication permissions) for database migration and 
    CREATE USER migration_admin PASSWORD 'DMS_1s_cool!';
    ALTER DATABASE orders OWNER TO migration_admin;
    ALTER ROLE migration_admin WITH REPLICATION;
    # granting the required permissions to schemata and relations to that user.
    \c postgres;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pglogical TO migration_admin;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA pglogical TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.tables TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.depend TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_node TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_sync_status TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node_interface TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.queue TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_seq TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_table TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.sequence_state TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.subscription TO migration_admin;

    \c orders;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pglogical TO migration_admin;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA pglogical TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.tables TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.depend TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_node TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_sync_status TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node_interface TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.queue TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_seq TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_table TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.sequence_state TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.subscription TO migration_admin;

    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO migration_admin;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON public.distribution_centers TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON public.inventory_items TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON public.order_items TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON public.products TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON public.users TO migration_admin;

    \c gmemegen_db;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pglogical TO migration_admin;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA pglogical TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.tables TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.depend TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_node TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.local_sync_status TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.node_interface TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.queue TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_seq TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.replication_set_table TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.sequence_state TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON pglogical.subscription TO migration_admin;

    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO migration_admin;
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO migration_admin;
    GRANT SELECT ON TO migration_admin;

    \c orders;
    ALTER TABLE public.distribution_centers OWNER TO migration_admin;
    ALTER TABLE public.inventory_items OWNER TO migration_admin;
    ALTER TABLE public.order_items OWNER TO migration_admin;
    ALTER TABLE public.products OWNER TO migration_admin;
    ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO migration_admin;


- Create a profile for a source connection to a PostgreSQL instance (e.g., stand-alone PostgreSQL). `Database Migration` > `Connection profiles` > `+ Create Profile`.

- Configure connectivity between the source and destination database instances using VPC peering. `Database Migration` > `Migration jobs` > `+ Create Migration Job`

- Configure firewall and database access rules to allow access to the source database for migration.

- Create, run, and verify a continuous migration job using Database Migration Service.

- Promote the destination instance (Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL) to be a stand-alone database for reading and writing data.

B.7. Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

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Hi, I am Z, the coder for!