
The FIRE app

Cui Cui Follow Oct 13, 2024 · 1 min read
The FIRE app
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“FIRE: Financial Independence, Retire Early.”


Phase 1. High Level Architecture Diagrams

Design a high-level architecture for frontend, backend, and cloud infrastructure, selecting the appropriate tools and technologies.

System context diagrams

High-level component architecture

Technology stack selection confirmation

  • Infrastructure: Linode/GCP, Kubernetes, Terraform(IaC), GitHub(Repo,CI/CD), etc.
  • Frontend: Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android, Flutter for Desktop/Web, etc.
  • Backend: Kotlin + Spring, Kotlin + Quarkus, Kotlin + Ktor, Kotlin + Micronaut, etc.
  • GraphQL, OpenAI, etc.

Phase 2. Design & Prototype

Create detailed architecture for frontend, backend, database, APIs, and infrastructure.

  • UML diagrams (class, sequence, deployment).
  • API specification (GraphQL schema design). (Swagger, Apollo Studio for GraphQL API design).
  • Database schema (ER diagrams). ( for database schema design).
  • Infrastructure design (network, Kubernetes cluster setup). (Terraform Cloud/VS Code for defining IaC).

Detailed System Design

Deployment Diagrams

Sequence Diagrams

Class Diagrams

Ref: Online Editor

The Journey to the FIRE app

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Written by Cui Follow
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